Sunday, September 15, 2013

Giving Choices 

"How can I get my student to work?"  One way to do this is by giving choices.  You can ask the child if he wants to "do his math page first or his handwriting."  I have also given choices such as using a pencil or using a marker.  It is interesting how many times giving a choice seems to work.  It allows the child to still be in charge, make a choice, and distracts him from the idea that he doesn't want to work.

Giving choices has also been very helpful at home when trying to get my kids to eat something.  I would ask, "Do you want to eat 4 bites or 3 bites?"  They would say 3 bites and feel like they won the negotiation war.  When they would try to beg for more cookies or other treats, I would simply say, "do you want one cookie or two?"  It also helped in getting my children dressed as I gave them two choices of what shirt or pants to wear.  Once they made their choice of what to wear, then they would get dressed. 

I hope this little trick helps, even if it doesn't work all the time!

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